Sunday 15 November 2015

⋙: Temps de glace: l'histoire du hockey (French Edition) by Michael McKinley

Temps de glace: l'histoire du hockey (French Edition) by Michael McKinley

Temps de glace: l'histoire du hockey (French Edition)

Temps de glace: l'histoire du hockey (French Edition) by Michael McKinley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Hockey is breathtakingly fast and fascinating. Ice Time: The Story of Hockey (Temps de glace: l’histoire du hockey) traces the sport from its hotly contested origins to the present day’s first-ever lockout of players by the one remaining league. It covers the sport’s surge in popularity after 1875, when it moved to inside rinks; the rise and fall, and rise again, of women’s hockey; the sagas of long-lost leagues, such as the Pacific Coast Hockey Association; and more recently the World Hockey Association. Through its lavishly illustrated pages skate the players, the coaches, and the almost forgotten legends who are the reason why we love the game.

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