Saturday 9 January 2016

⋙: Punisher Max: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 by Garth Ennis

Punisher Max: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 by Garth Ennis

Punisher Max: The Complete Collection Vol. 2

Punisher Max: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 by Garth Ennis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nick Fury has a dangerous mission for the Punisher: break into a Siberian nuclear missile silo and steal a lethal retrovirus. But Castle's mission soon sets off a chain reaction that will bring him into conflict with a ruthless Russian General - and take the world to the brink of war. Then, mobster Nicky Cavella returns to plague the Punisher, but when his scheme unleashes a wave of violence that rocks New York to its core, other predators start to emerge from the darkness.


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