Friday 25 April 2014

⋙: Kleptomania: The Compulsion to Steal - What Can Be Done? by M.D. Marcus J. Goldman

Kleptomania: The Compulsion to Steal - What Can Be Done? by M.D. Marcus J. Goldman

Kleptomania: The Compulsion to Steal - What Can Be Done?

Kleptomania: The Compulsion to Steal - What Can Be Done? by M.D. Marcus J. Goldman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This groundbreaking book lifts the veil of secrecy from one of the most misunderstood compulsive disorders which drives people to steal objects they don't need and often don't use, for reasons they can't explain. Using research and his own case studies, Dr. Goldman provides insights into this disorder and the many myths that surround it, including the fact that almost 80% of all diagnosed kleptomaniacs are women. Most importantly, he explores treatment options and offers practical, compassionate information that can be found nowhere else.

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Kleptomania: The Compulsion to Steal - What Can Be Done? by M.D. Marcus J. Goldman EPub

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