Tuesday 8 April 2014

⋙: Thigh High (Fortune Hunter Book 3) by Christina Dodd

Thigh High (Fortune Hunter Book 3) by Christina Dodd

Thigh High (Fortune Hunter Book 3)

Thigh High (Fortune Hunter Book 3) by Christina Dodd PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nessa Dahl always had the good sense to steer clear of trouble. Then Jeremiah MacNaught showed up in New Orleans, determined to get to the bottom of a string of bank robberies by two women wearing Mardi Gras masks. Little does Nessa realize that the handsome investigator is convinced she's involved with the crimes-or that he's willing to do anything to get the truth. Even if it means taking the beautiful woman he's convinced is a liar and a thief straight to bed...

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