Thursday 28 August 2014

⋙: En Avant: Beginning French by Bruce Anderson, Peter Golato, Susan Blatty

En Avant: Beginning French by Bruce Anderson, Peter Golato, Susan Blatty

En Avant: Beginning French

En Avant: Beginning French by Bruce Anderson, Peter Golato, Susan Blatty PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Your students are changing. Technology is changing. The idea of the “classroom” is changing. Now, the way your students learn French can change as well!

Inspiration. Confidence. Authenticity. At McGraw-Hill, we have conducted thousands of hours of research into student and instructor behavior and needs. Over and over, French instructors stressed they want their students to be inspired by classroom interactions and by the content of assigned materials. Only then can they experience language learning in ways that build confidence. A final desire is for students to engage with linguistically and culturally authentic materials. The intersection of these key themes provides the path to the ultimate goal that instructors share: a foundation in communicative competence.

McGraw-Hill is proud to present En avant! a program that breaks the mold of traditional French programs. Its integrated approach to authentic culture, individualized learning plans, and systematic recycling inspires students and gives them the confidence to develop their communicative competence in French.

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