Monday 11 August 2014

⋙: Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science) by Jennifer Hart PA-C ATC, Mark D. Miller MD

Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science) by Jennifer Hart PA-C ATC, Mark D. Miller MD

Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science)

Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science) by Jennifer Hart PA-C ATC, Mark D. Miller MD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Master the musculoskeletal anatomy and pathology you need to know! These 210 flash cards use outstanding illustrations created by, and in the style of, master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD to help you test your knowledge of bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Netter illustrations are supplemented with clinical, radiographic, and arthroscopic images depicting the most common musculoskeletal pathologies. A respected physician assistant-orthopaedist team ensures that all of the information on the cards is accurate and relevant to clinical practice, resulting in a highly effective tool for self study!

  • Updated edition features more bony landmark coverage and additional clinical correlates.
  • High-quality Netter clinical and anatomical illustrations, as well as radiographic and arthroscopic views, ensure that you will be able to identify musculoskeletal structures no matter how they are presented.
  • Coverage of each musculoskeletal region includes reviews of bony anatomy, radiographic anatomy, joints, muscles, arteries and nerves, range of motion, and associated pathologic conditions-all the clinical knowledge you need.
  • Multiple muscles are often covered on a single card to emphasize the muscles' relationship to one another and the spaces between them.

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Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science) by Jennifer Hart PA-C ATC, Mark D. Miller MD Doc

Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science) by Jennifer Hart PA-C ATC, Mark D. Miller MD Mobipocket
Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards Updated Edition, 1e (Netter Basic Science) by Jennifer Hart PA-C ATC, Mark D. Miller MD EPub

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