Tuesday, 21 October 2014

⋙: The Wealthy Freelancer by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage, Ed Gandia

The Wealthy Freelancer by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage, Ed Gandia

The Wealthy Freelancer

The Wealthy Freelancer by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage, Ed Gandia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Being your own boss can lead to incredible profits-here's how...

Whether you call yourself a freelancer, consultant, independent contractor or solo professional of any kind, The Wealthy Freelancer: 12 Secrets to a Great Income and an Enviable Lifestyle shows you how to get the clients, income, and lifestyle you deserve. So you can put more money in the bank, enjoy more time with your family and make a great living doing what you truly love to do, free from the burden of employment...forever!

Filled with proven ideas and real-world examples from dozens of successful freelancers, The Wealthy Freelancer is essential reading for any solo professional who wants to enjoy a lifestyle that's "wealthy" in every sense of the word.

Here's a glimpse of what's waiting for you inside this book:

* Why the typical one-size-fits-all marketing advice rarely works, and a fool-proof system for determining the optimal mix of marketing activities for your specific circumstances and goals

* How to get more prospects to say "Yes!" to the fees that you propose

* Why striving to be the "best" in your field almost never works, and what to do instead

* How to charge more - and earn more - by creating new income streams closely related to your core business

* How to have more time for the life you want and still have a great income

* How to "test the waters" and land freelance work now, even if you're already employed

* Why freelancing has moved beyond creative fields and into mainstream careers such as engineering, software development, bookkeeping and more than 160 other professions

* Stories of real-life freelancers who destroy the myth that freelancers barely scrape by

And dozens more proven tips and strategies to build a more profitable and fulfilling solo business.

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