Saturday 28 March 2015

⋙: The Official Hamtaro Handbook by Ritsuko Kawai

The Official Hamtaro Handbook by Ritsuko Kawai

The Official Hamtaro Handbook

The Official Hamtaro Handbook by Ritsuko Kawai PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Hamtaro gang — ten-year-old Laura, her inquisitive pet golden hamster Hamtaro, and the infamous Ham-Ham crew — get the royal treatment in this colorful, comprehensive guide. The Official Hamtaro Handbook includes biographies of all the characters, a synopsis and guide to each episode of the series, the words to the theme song, and even a lesson in how to do the official Hamtaro Dance! Also included are a dictionary of the Hamtaro language, clips of the anime, a map of the town, a family tree, stickers, and a Hamtaro comic!

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