Thursday 19 March 2015

⋙: To the Sky Kingdom by Tang Qi

To the Sky Kingdom by Tang Qi

To the Sky Kingdom

To the Sky Kingdom by Tang Qi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When the immortal Bai Qian finally meets her intended husband, the heir to the Sky Throne, she considers herself in luck—until an old enemy returns to threaten everything she holds dear…

When a mortal woman enters the immortal world to be with her true love, she sparks a jealousy that ends in tragedy…

And when a war god depletes his spiritual energy, his devoted student sustains his body with her own heart’s blood until the god’s scattered soul reassembles…

Spanning a thousand years of tangled lives, To the Sky Kingdom is a story of epic battles, passion, evil, and magic. In its journey across worlds and time, it delves into the powerful forces that drive mortals and gods alike toward revenge, loyalty—and love.

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