Tuesday 12 May 2015

⋙: Albert's Impossible Toothache by Barbara Williams

Albert's Impossible Toothache by Barbara Williams

Albert's Impossible Toothache

Albert's Impossible Toothache by Barbara Williams PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Parents and children alike will see themselves in this endearing tale of a small turtle’s struggle to be believed and understood - lovingly reintroduced for a new generation of readers.

When little Albert Turtle complains that he has a toothache, his father assures him that that’s impossible and points to his own toothless mouth. But Albert won’t get out of bed, and Mother Turtle begins to worry. Will Albert’s toothache ever go away? Even more important, will anyone ever believe him? First published thirty years ago, Barbara Williams’s familiar tale of miscommunication - and a wise grandmother who gets it right - is wonderfully animated by Doug Cushman’s colorful, humorously detailed illustrations.

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