Tuesday 5 May 2015

⋙: Hard Luck Hank: Stank Delicious by Steven Campbell

Hard Luck Hank: Stank Delicious by Steven Campbell

Hard Luck Hank: Stank Delicious

Hard Luck Hank: Stank Delicious by Steven Campbell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Belvaille has cemented its place as the most important System in the galaxy and Hank is working as an official Factotum, negotiating deals between gangs and noblemen under the watchful eye of the Arch Minister.

When his ever-capable butler, Cliston, is approached to become the general manager of a Super Class glocken team, Hank is hired not only as protection, but as a player.

Hank finds himself thrown into the most grueling bloodsport in the galaxy and he is tasked with finding out how and why players are being abducted.

The friendly rivalries turn into full-scale conflict and Hank unravels a far more insidious plot than the fixing of gambling results. In the process, Hank learns a lot about his history that he never even dreamed had existed.

Many of Hank's friends and enemies return in this action-packed and humorous take on the professional sporting world.

NOTE: Sequel to Hard Luck Hank - Screw the Galaxy, Hard Luck Hank - Basketful of Crap, Hard Luck Hank - Prince of Suck, and Hard Luck Hank - Suck My Cosmos

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