Sunday 28 February 2016

⋙: The Book of Joe: The Fall of Heaven, The Rise of Hell by Joe Gallegos

The Book of Joe: The Fall of Heaven, The Rise of Hell by Joe Gallegos

The Book of Joe: The Fall of Heaven, The Rise of Hell

The Book of Joe: The Fall of Heaven, The Rise of Hell by Joe Gallegos PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Here we stand...the end of the world...a loving dead man...his loving girl..."

The journey of The Book of Joe continues with Volume 2: The Fall of Heaven, The Rise of Hell.

Dead. Resurrected. Immortal. An eternal life granted to him as the True Ruler of Hell, Joe finds that becoming the Fallen Angel is more than he can handle. A new threat rises that threatens to destroy all the realms, a threat so great that God himself calls upon the devil to walk the Earth. Joe, with his immortal love by his side, struggles to get a grasp on his new soul while trying to save the New World from a new breed of demons. Keeping Sasha and his family safe becomes a race against time...a luxury they no longer have.

The Necromancer is coming and brings with him the destruction of the world. The Falling Heavens and the Rising Hell must come together for the greater good: To save the world of mankind.

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