Sunday 28 February 2016

⋙: The Four Color Personalities For MLM: The Secret Language For Network Marketing by Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

The Four Color Personalities For MLM: The Secret Language For Network Marketing by Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

The Four Color Personalities For MLM: The Secret Language For Network Marketing

The Four Color Personalities For MLM: The Secret Language For Network Marketing by Tom "Big Al" Schreiter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Instant bonding, instant communication, and how to get your network marketing prospects to fully understand and act on your message = fun!

This is the most fun of the 25 skills of network marketing. Our prospects have a different point-of-view than ours. So how do we tell our message in a way they “get it" and enjoy it?

By quickly identifying their color personality.

This isn’t a boring research textbook on the four different personalities. This book is a fun, easy way to know how your prospects think, and the precise magic words to say to each of the four personalities.

The results are stunning. Shy distributors become confident when they understand how their prospects think. Experienced distributors have short conversations that get prospects to join immediately.

Why be frustrated with prospects?

Instead, quickly discover the four personalities in a fun way that you will always remember. You will enjoy observing and analyzing your friends, co-workers and relatives, and you'll see the way they see the world. It feels like you have 3-D glasses in your network marketing career.

Of the 25 skills, this is the first skill that new distributors should learn. Why?

* It give new distributors instant confidence.
* It eliminates rejection.
* It helps prospects listen with an open mind.
* It gets instant results.

What could be better than that?

You won’t have to look for great prospects when you know the four color personalities. You will have the ability to turn ordinary people into hot prospects by knowing their color personality and by saying the right words.

By using humorous, slightly exaggerated examples of the four personality traits, you will remember and use this skill immediately. Life is more fun when you are the only one with the 3-D glasses.

This is the one skill that you'll use every day for the rest of your life!

Get ready to smile and achieve quicker rapport and results.

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