Sunday 18 May 2014

⋙: Commercial Refrigeration: For Air Conditioning Technicians by Dick Wirz

Commercial Refrigeration: For Air Conditioning Technicians by Dick Wirz

Commercial Refrigeration: For Air Conditioning Technicians

Commercial Refrigeration: For Air Conditioning Technicians by Dick Wirz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Technicians trained on air conditioning systems are often required to apply their skills to the servicing of commercial refrigeration equipment. This book provides a solid foundation in comfort cooling that can be readily transferred to a broad understanding of medium and low temperature refrigeration equipment such as walk-ins, reach-ins, refrigerated cases, and ice machines. Coverage specific to refrigeration in the food service industry is emphasized, with scores of practical tips that technicians can use right away in the installation and service of commercial equipment. Helpful tips and sound advice from the experienced author and his employees add a personal touch to the comprehensive coverage, increasing interest in, and retention of, key concepts. This book will improve technicians' knowledge, efficiency, and effectiveness in commercial refrigeration and can serve as a permanent addition to the reference library in any truck or shop.

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