Sunday 4 May 2014

⋙: How to Estimate with RSMeans Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction by Saleh A. Mubarak

How to Estimate with RSMeans Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction by Saleh A. Mubarak

How to Estimate with RSMeans Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction

How to Estimate with RSMeans Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction by Saleh A. Mubarak PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Using North America's most recognized construction cost data from RSMeans, this step-by-step guide develops problem-solving skills through over 300 sample problems and exercises. All of the major construction items, including site work, concrete and masonry, wood and metal framing, doors and windows, and more are covered. Access to a password-protected web site is included, which contains the instruction version of RSMeans Cos/Works, the electronic version of RS Means Building Construction Cost Data, and sample building plans and spreadsheets, enabling you to practice creating a complete construction estimate.

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