Tuesday 6 May 2014

⋙: Eighteen Years by Madisen Kuhn

Eighteen Years by Madisen Kuhn

Eighteen Years

Eighteen Years by Madisen Kuhn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Illustrated by Laura Supnik. Eighteen Years is a collection of 220+ poems. Madisen Kuhn, popularly known as m.k., writes honestly and personally about the thoughts and feelings that come with finding your way. Eighteen Years is here to tell you that you are not alone. It is meant to be curled up with at night, accompanied by a cup of tea. It's a hug in book-form. It is there to comfort you when fuzzy socks and ice cream just aren't enough. It will inspire you to pick up a pen and write down thoughts of your own. It will help you to say the words that feel stuck in your chest. Take it on the train. Take it to the beach. Keep it on your nightstand. Keep it in your backpack. Read it at the park on benches beneath hundred-year-old trees. Read it while it's raining. Read it when you're happy. Read it when your heart aches. Eighteen Years is meant to be bent and worn, written in, tear-stained, and loved. This book is for you. ________________________________________________________________________________ Connect with Madisen! instagram.com/madisenkuhn twitter.com/madisenkuhn madisenkuhn.info

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