Monday 29 September 2014

⋙: E-Commerce 2015 (11th Edition) by Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Traver

E-Commerce 2015 (11th Edition) by Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Traver

E-Commerce 2015 (11th Edition)

E-Commerce 2015 (11th Edition) by Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Traver PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

E-Commerce 2015 is intended for use in undergraduate and graduate e-commerce courses in any business discipline.


The market-leading text for e-commerce

This comprehensive, market-leading text emphasizes the three major driving forces behind e-commerce—technology change, business development, and social issues—to provide a coherent conceptual framework for understanding the field.


Teaching and Learning Experience

This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for both instructors and students.

  • Comprehensive Coverage Facilitates Understanding of the E-Commerce Field: In-depth coverage of technology change, business development, and social issues gives readers a solid framework for understanding e-commerce.
  • Pedagogical Aids Help Readers See Concepts in Action: Infographics, projects, and real-world case studies help readers see how the topics covered in the book work in practice.

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E-Commerce 2015 (11th Edition) by Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Traver EPub

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