Monday 8 September 2014

⋙: Managing Outdoor Recreation: Case Studies in the National Parks by Robert E. Manning, Laura E. Anderson

Managing Outdoor Recreation: Case Studies in the National Parks by Robert E. Manning, Laura E. Anderson

Managing Outdoor Recreation: Case Studies in the National Parks

Managing Outdoor Recreation: Case Studies in the National Parks by Robert E. Manning, Laura E. Anderson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The popularity of outdoor recreation and ecotourism continues to grow worldwide. However, there is little systematic information on how to manage outdoor recreation in ways that protect park resources and the quality of the visitor experience. This book develops classification systems of outdoor recreation-related problems and management strategies and practices and combines them into a series of matrices that can help guide park and outdoor recreation management. The book then uses a series of case studies drawn from the U.S. National Park System that illustrate a range of successful management approaches that can be applied globally. The book concludes with a series of principles for managing parks and outdoor recreation.

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