Thursday 11 September 2014

⋙: Financial Analysis and Decision Making for Healthcare Organizations: A Guide for The... by Louis C. Gapenski

Financial Analysis and Decision Making for Healthcare Organizations: A Guide for The... by Louis C. Gapenski

Financial Analysis and Decision Making for Healthcare Organizations: A Guide for The...

Financial Analysis and Decision Making for Healthcare Organizations: A Guide for The... by Louis C. Gapenski PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Managers in the healthcare industry face an array of decisions. Some can have a profound impact on an organization's financial condition. Since sound financial condition is critical to the survival of an organization, it is imperative that managers have the knowledge and skills necessary to properly assess the financial impact of their decisions. The aim of this book is to provide healthcare managers with an operational knowledge of financial management theory and concepts, so that they can use this information to enhance their own financial decision making. It includes a complete guide to the fundamentals of finance, a variety of healthcare settings and real-world situations in order to illustrate financial principles, discussions of capital acquisitions and investment analysis, receivable and inventory management and how they affect the bottom line, and how managerial decisions affect the organization's cost of debt.

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Financial Analysis and Decision Making for Healthcare Organizations: A Guide for The... by Louis C. Gapenski Mobipocket
Financial Analysis and Decision Making for Healthcare Organizations: A Guide for The... by Louis C. Gapenski EPub

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