Wednesday 29 April 2015

⋙: Mastering Linux Network Administration by Jay LaCroix

Mastering Linux Network Administration by Jay LaCroix

Mastering Linux Network Administration

Mastering Linux Network Administration by Jay LaCroix PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Master the skills and techniques that are required to design, deploy, and administer real Linux-based networks

About This Book

  • Master the art of using Linux and administering network services for enterprise environments
  • Perform hands-on activities to reinforce expert-level knowledge
  • Get full coverage of both the CentOS and Debian systems, including how networking concepts differ for each

Who This Book Is For

Mastering Linux Network Administration is recommended for those who already understand the basics of using Linux and networking, and would like to push those skills to a higher level through real-world Linux networking scenarios. Whether you intend to run a home office consisting of Linux nodes or a rollout of a Linux network within your organization, this book is a great fit for those that desire to learn how to manage networked systems with the power of Linux.

What You Will Learn

  • Install and configure the Debian and CentOS systems
  • Set up and configure file servers
  • Administer networked nodes remotely
  • Discover how to monitor system performance for peak health
  • Configure network services such as DNS and DHCP
  • Host HTTP content via Apache
  • Troubleshoot Linux networking issues

In Detail

Linux is everywhere. Whether you run a home office, a small business, or manage enterprise systems, Linux can empower your network to perform at its very best. Armed with the advanced tools and best practice guidance of this practical guide, you'll be able to mold Linux networks to your will, empowering your systems and their users to take advantage of all that Linux-based networks have to offer.

Understand how Linux networks function and get to grips with essential tips and tricks to manage them - whether you're already managing a networks, or even just starting out. With Debian and CentOS as its source, this book will divulge all the details you need to manage a real Linux-based network. With detailed activities and instructions based on real-world scenarios, this book will be your guide to the exciting world of Linux networking.

Style and approach

This practical guide will walk you through all the core concepts required to manage real Linux-based networks.

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