Saturday 18 April 2015

⋙: THAT MAN 2: (That Man Series) by Nelle L'Amour

THAT MAN 2: (That Man Series) by Nelle L'Amour

THAT MAN 2: (That Man Series)

THAT MAN 2: (That Man Series) by Nelle L'Amour PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The romantic tension between Blake Burns and Jennifer McCoy heats up in this highly anticipated sequel to THAT MAN 1.

Still engaged to her college boyfriend, Jennifer finds herself more and more attracted to her sexy as sin boss yet has no clue he’s that man she kissed blindfolded in a game of Truth or Dare. Unable to suppress her feelings, she wonders: is fantasizing about your boss a form of cheating?

Meanwhile, Blake, a player who’s never had a relationship, has no clue how to get to first base with Jennifer. Determined to prove that her fiancé, Bradley Wick, DDS, is a dweeb and definitely the wrong man for her, he puts Operation Dickwick into full force. No holds barred.

An unforgettable weekend in Vegas and an unexpected discovery change the game for both of them—for better and for worse.

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