Saturday 4 April 2015

⋙: The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual by Steven M. Bragg

The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual by Steven M. Bragg

The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual

The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual by Steven M. Bragg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The comprehensive guide for CFOs who need an overview of leadership basics from strategies to management improvement tips

Filled with pragmatic insights and proactive strategies, The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual, Third Edition is destined to become your essential desktop companion. This thorough guidebook is filled with best practices to help you, as CFO, to improve efficiency, mitigate risks, and keep your organization competitive.

  • Includes updated information on the relationship of the CFO with the Treasurer, registration statements and Fedwire payments, acquisitions integration, legal types of acquisitions, and government regulations
  • Contains control flowcharts for the main accounting cycles
  • Provides new chapters on Investor Relations and Risk Management for Foreign Exchange and Interest Rates
  • Features an itemized list of the key tasks every new CFO should complete when first entering the position, a checklist of 100 performance measures, and a detailed discussion of employee compensation plans

The reference CFOs and other financial managers can turn to for quick answers to questions they have as well as to help them plan their financial strategy, The New CFO Financial Leadership Manual, Third Edition is mandatory reading for every CFO wanting to play a strategic role in their organization.

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