Wednesday 30 March 2016

⋙: Intermediate Accounting For Dummies by Marie Loughran

Intermediate Accounting For Dummies by Marie Loughran

Intermediate Accounting For Dummies

Intermediate Accounting For Dummies by Marie Loughran PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The easy way to master an intermediate accounting course

Intermediate accounting courses are required for students seeking bachelor's degrees in accounting and often for degrees in finance, business administration, and management. Intermediate Accounting For Dummies provides you with a deeper and broader level of accounting theory, serving as an excellent course supplement and study guide to help you master the concepts of this challenging program.

With easy-to-understand explanations and realworld examples, Intermediate Accounting For Dummies covers all the topics you'll encounter in an intermediate accounting course: the conceptual framework of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), financial ratio analysis, equity accounting, investment strategies, financial statement preparation, and more

  • Tracks to a typical intermediate accounting curriculum
  • Expert information and real-world examples
  • Other titles from Loughran: Financial Accounting For Dummies and Auditing For Dummies

With the help of Intermediate Accounting For Dummies, you'll discover the fast and easy way to take the confusion out of the complex theories and methods associated with a typical intermediate accounting course.

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