Friday 25 March 2016

⋙: Writing About Music: An Introductory Guide (4th Edition) by Richard Wingell

Writing About Music: An Introductory Guide (4th Edition) by Richard Wingell

Writing About Music: An Introductory Guide (4th Edition)

Writing About Music: An Introductory Guide (4th Edition) by Richard Wingell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Helping users write clear, convincing, persuasive prose on musical topics, this practical guide focuses on general writing issues as well as special challenges of writing about music–with clear, step-by-step explanations of the process of writing a paper. Updated to reflect the latest research methodology, resources, and technology, it continues to offer strong coverage on research, organization, drafting and editing–and includes a thorough section on basic writing skills. Contains complete chapters on writing about music, analysis and research, getting started, writing a research paper (from choosing a topic through outlining, writing the draft, editing and revising), questions of format, other kinds of writing projects (i.e., seminar presentations, concert reports, program notes), writing styles, and common writing problem. Covers the latest musicological research and new resources for researching both print and electronic publications. Discusses writing papers on a PC, and provides a sample paper in the appendix that illustrates matters of format and discusses the events in the musical work. For writers.

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