Friday 25 March 2016

⋙: The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol. 1: Machines and Mechanisms by Yoshihito Isogawa

The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol. 1: Machines and Mechanisms by Yoshihito Isogawa

The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol. 1: Machines and Mechanisms

The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Vol. 1: Machines and Mechanisms by Yoshihito Isogawa PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This first volume of The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Machines and Mechanisms, showcases small projects to build with LEGO Technic gears, motors, gadgets, and other moving elements. You'll find hundreds of clever, buildable mechanisms, each one demonstrating a key building technique or mechanical principle.

You'll learn to build sliding doors, grasping claws, rack-and-pinion mechanisms, and ball-shooting devices of every sort!

Each model includes a list of required parts and colorful photographs that guide you through the build without the need for step-by-step instructions. As you build, you'll explore the principles of simple machines, gear systems, power translation, and more.

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