Tuesday 7 January 2014

⋙: Bad Romeo (The Starcrossed Series) by Leisa Rayven

Bad Romeo (The Starcrossed Series) by Leisa Rayven

Bad Romeo (The Starcrossed Series)

Bad Romeo (The Starcrossed Series) by Leisa Rayven PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

While performing the greatest love story of all time, they discovered one of their own…

Cassie Taylor was just another acting student with big dreams at her prestigious performing arts college…then she met Ethan Holt. She was the good girl actress. He was the bad boy on campus. But one fated casting choice for Romeo and Juliet changed it all. Like the characters they were playing on stage, Cassie and Ethan's epic romance seemed destined. Until it ended in tragedy when he shattered her heart.

Now they've made it to Broadway where they're reunited as romantic leads once again―and their passionate scenes force them to confront the heartbreaking lows and pulse-pounding highs of their intense college affair. For Ethan, losing Cassie was his biggest regret―and he's determined to redeem himself. But for Cassie, even though Ethan was her first and only great love, he hurt her too much to ever be trusted again. The trouble is, working with him again reminds her that people who rub each other the wrong way often make the best sparks. And when it comes to love, sometimes it's the things that aren't good for us that are the most irresistible.

Don't miss Leisa Rayven's Bad Romeo, the intoxicating romance beloved by over two million fans online―a story that'll captivate you and hold you breathless until the final page.

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