Saturday 4 January 2014

⋙: The Great Indian Obsession: The Untold Story of India's Engineers by Adhitya Iyer

The Great Indian Obsession: The Untold Story of India's Engineers by Adhitya Iyer

The Great Indian Obsession: The Untold Story of India's Engineers

The Great Indian Obsession: The Untold Story of India's Engineers by Adhitya Iyer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"If engineering were a religion, it would be the 5th most populous religion in India." In India, you become an engineer first and then figure out what you want to do with your life. On 4 October 2014, more than 300 individuals across the globe contributed close to 14,000 AUD and created crowdfunding history. This book became the highest crowdfunded book in India and the 6th highest in Asia. In a nation that is exasperatingly diverse, engineering seems to be one of the biggest obsessions. India produces more engineers annually than twice the population of Iceland. I set on a backpacking trip across the country to unravel this massive phenomenon at the end of which I lost a camera full of images, but I found a story to tell the world. It is through this journey that I present to you the world's most interesting educational story.

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