Friday 31 January 2014

⋙: The Gentleman's Guide to Cocktails by Alfred Tong, Jack Hughes

The Gentleman's Guide to Cocktails by Alfred Tong, Jack Hughes

The Gentleman's Guide to Cocktails

The Gentleman's Guide to Cocktails by Alfred Tong, Jack Hughes PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A definitive catalog of the most suave cocktails. To shake or stir? Muddle or mix? The Gentleman's Guide to Cocktails answers all of these questions and more. It's the ultimate guide for the cocktail barman. Alfred Tong teaches you how to mix a margarita with mojo, a gimlet with grace, and a piña colada that packs a punch. With more than 150 cocktail recipes—personally selected by Alfred for their coolness factor and retro quality—it covers classics like the Bloody Mary, fizzes, fogmatics, and alcoholic teas. Illustrated with sophisticated drawings by Jack Hughes, this book will turn the wannabe barman into the perfect cocktail party host.

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The Gentleman's Guide to Cocktails by Alfred Tong, Jack Hughes EPub

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