Sunday 12 January 2014

⋙: Walking the Italian Lakes (Cicerone Guides) by Gillian Price

Walking the Italian Lakes (Cicerone Guides) by Gillian Price

Walking the Italian Lakes (Cicerone Guides)

Walking the Italian Lakes (Cicerone Guides) by Gillian Price PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This guidebook describes 50 walks around Lakes Como, Iseo, Garda and Maggiore in Northern Italy.  The picturesque routes are accessible by public transport from popular centres including Bellagio, Riva, Stresa and Cannero, and range from 2 to 14km in length. There are gentle lakeside strolls, and numerous ridge routes and traverses as well as the ascent of Monte Baldo, Monte Boletto and other walker's peaks in the region. The clear maps, inspirational photographs and information about accommodation and public transport options help to make this guidebook an ideal companion to exploring the exceptional scenery, views and culture of the Italian Lakes. A basic English-Italian glossary is also included.

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Carlie Manson:

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