Wednesday 30 July 2014

⋙: Anorectal and Colon Diseases by E. Stein

Anorectal and Colon Diseases by E. Stein

Anorectal and Colon Diseases

Anorectal and Colon Diseases by E. Stein PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Patients with perianal diseases such as dermatitis do not just visit the dermatologist; they are seen by family doctors, internists, pediatricians, general surgeons, gynecologists, and urologists. This book is truly multi-disciplinary, introducing the surgical specialties to medical proctology and related fields. The procedures described allow effective management of both common and less common diseases, including all the secondary problems that may arise. With increasing travel and increasing immunosuppression, parasitic intestinal diseases are now seen in every type of practice. The standard diagnostic procedures described herein reduce costs in therapy. This new reference in proctology and perianal skin disease gives detailed descriptions of clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment strategies. It will empower a wide variety of physicians to manage these disorders more effectively.

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