Tuesday 22 July 2014

⋙: Jumpstart! Literacy: Games and Activities for Ages 7-14 by Pie Corbett

Jumpstart! Literacy: Games and Activities for Ages 7-14 by Pie Corbett

Jumpstart! Literacy: Games and Activities for Ages 7-14

Jumpstart! Literacy: Games and Activities for Ages 7-14 by Pie Corbett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This collection of simple to use, fun, multi-sensory games and creative lesson starters will jumpstart pupils enthusiasm for literacy learning. The `jumpstarts' cover:

  • Warming up the word - spelling and word games
  • Syntactic gymnastics - creating sentences and written style
  • Games to stimulate - talk, drama and writing
  • Quickfire whiteboard starters - to stimulate the imagination.

For use at Key Stages 2 & 3 (ages 7-14).

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Jumpstart! Literacy: Games and Activities for Ages 7-14 by Pie Corbett EPub

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