Wednesday 16 July 2014

⋙: Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach (7th Edition) by Mary B. Gregoire

Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach (7th Edition) by Mary B. Gregoire

Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach (7th Edition)

Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach (7th Edition) by Mary B. Gregoire PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Written for junior and senior level student, this best-selling text presents a comprehensive portrait of how to manage commercial and on-site foodservice operations effectively and efficiently in the 21st century. Using the foodservice systems model as a guide, it shows managers how to transform the human, material, facility, and operational inputs of the system into outputs of meals, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and financial accountability. This edition features expanded coverage of sustainability, social responsibility, and globalization and offers principles that will lead to managerial success.

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Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach (7th Edition) by Mary B. Gregoire Mobipocket
Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach (7th Edition) by Mary B. Gregoire EPub

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