Monday 28 July 2014

⋙: Karate The Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting by Hidetaka Nishiyama, Richard C. Brown

Karate The Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting by Hidetaka Nishiyama, Richard C. Brown

Karate The Art of Empty-Hand Fighting

Karate The Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting by Hidetaka Nishiyama, Richard C. Brown PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Master the techniques and theory of Japanese Karate with this easy-to-follow, illustrated martial arts guide.

Karate: The Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting has inspired hundreds of thousands of karateka, and it remains one of the finest texts available on the technique, art, and spirit of karatedo.

This definitive volume is a systematic presentation of the art of traditional Japanese karate. An easily accessible martial arts manual illustrated with more than 1,000 photographs, this comprehensive karate book gives step-by-step explanations and thorough analysis of all the basic movements and techniques of karate.

Topics of Karate the Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting" include:
  • The history of Karate
  • The theories and principle of Karate
  • The best training and exercise methods
  • Karate techniques like stance, blocking, and attacks
  • Defenses against weapons

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Karate The Art of "Empty-Hand" Fighting by Hidetaka Nishiyama, Richard C. Brown EPub

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