Monday 1 June 2015

⋙: Cliff Falls by C. B. Shiepe

Cliff Falls by C. B. Shiepe

Cliff Falls

Cliff Falls by C. B. Shiepe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The night of his eighteenth birthday, Clay Grant, exploited child star of 80's sitcom hit "Little Guy Mike", disappears after a mysterious fire destroys the Hollywood studio backlot. Chased by the media and haunted by his past, he's been on the run for fifteen years, until a fight with a determined photographer lands him in jail and ends his self-imposed exile.

Just when the media is descending, motivational pastor Reagan Mitchell shows up in Clay's cell and offers him a deal to buy his freedom. Unsure if he can trust Reagan, but out of options, Clay arrives in majestic Cliff Falls under an overcast sky and quickly discovers no one escapes life. What happens when you run into everything you've been running from?

In a world where entertainment has become our religion and religion our entertainment, Cliff Falls wrestles with the question of what does it mean to be truly human; comfortable in your own skin when everyone wants you to be someone or something else? What Clay discovers will change his life and perhaps yours.

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