Tuesday 2 June 2015

⋙: Guide to the Smarty for Wordpress Plugin by Patrick Ingle

Guide to the Smarty for Wordpress Plugin by Patrick Ingle

Guide to the Smarty for Wordpress Plugin

Guide to the Smarty for Wordpress Plugin by Patrick Ingle PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Do you have Smarty templates that you would like to use in your wordpress blog?

Do you want a fast track migration from Smarty to WordPress?

Smarty for WordPress is the first plugin which incorporates a complete distribution of the Smarty template engine as a WordPress plug-in. You embed your Smarty template file by using a WordPress short code with the Smarty template file name and any variable which you want to be passed to your Smarty template file.

There are many useful frameworks written in Smarty and NOT WordPress, like XCart, that can NOW be implemented into WordPress with minimal changes and ease?

Stop! Don't throw away that Smarty Template file, Download Smarty for WordPress, install, activate and use that Smarty template file in WordPress TODAY!!!

This guide is the missing manual!

Table of Contents:
Installation and Configuration
First Steps in Migrating your Smarty Template
Creating the style.css and index.php
Adding WP Theme Support to your Smarty templates
Alternative to index.php
Incorporating Smarty templates in the WP sidebar
Turning off WP Themes
Integrating Wordpress into your Smarty templates
Adding a Contact Form 7 to your Smarty Template
Sample Site Usage

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