Wednesday 24 June 2015

⋙: Protocol Matters: Cultivating Social Graces in Christian Homes and Schools by Sandra Boswell

Protocol Matters: Cultivating Social Graces in Christian Homes and Schools by Sandra Boswell

Protocol Matters: Cultivating Social Graces in Christian Homes and Schools

Protocol Matters: Cultivating Social Graces in Christian Homes and Schools by Sandra Boswell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Etiquette and protocol are ways of showing Christian love and kindness in small ways. With an easy, engaging style and lots of helpful details, Sandra Boswell outlines the meaning and purpose of protocol education, and describes ways of practicing it in the home and at school. She draws on her experience from the successful Logos School protocol program to guide the reader through all the basic protocol topics--table settings and foods, socials skills, personal grooming, appropriate dress, and more. This book is a must-read for parents and teachers who wish to recover the "social graces" for the next generation of believers.

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Protocol Matters: Cultivating Social Graces in Christian Homes and Schools by Sandra Boswell EPub

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