Thursday 25 June 2015

⋙: Femdom Spanking (Cruel Wife FLR Humiliation Erotica) by Chrissy Wild

Femdom Spanking (Cruel Wife FLR Humiliation Erotica) by Chrissy Wild

Femdom Spanking (Cruel Wife FLR Humiliation Erotica)

Femdom Spanking (Cruel Wife FLR Humiliation Erotica) by Chrissy Wild PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

***WARNING: This 3,600 word erotic horror story is about one possible dystopian (depending on who you ask) future, when a female can get anything she wants, and use males however she wants. It is fiction that is NOT for the faint-hearted.***

"It all started when my wife found out my deepest, darkest secret: I was both thrilled and terrified about being spanked by her.

Amanda is my beautiful bride. When we met, she was 27 years old and almost 7 years older than me. She was caring and thoughtful, and most of all she was a strong alpha woman. We fell in love and married all in only a few months.

One time when we were out, she slapped me and told me to wait in the car. I actually said “Yes, ma’am.” I couldn’t believe I called my own wife ma’am.

Then my life changed forever as my wife told me she wanted an official female dominated marriage. And she was going to spank me, actually spank me, until I consented to it..."

***WARNING: The following story contains depictions of extreme erotic horror, BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Sadomasochism), and female domination erotica. It is only for MATURE readers, aged 18 and over. It contains sexual themes involving characters who are consenting adults, all over the age of 18.***

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